UNB Libraries, in partnership with the School of Graduate Studies, is thrilled to introduce our Academic Publishing Workshop Series. have a program running for the duration of February featuring panel conversations with UNB researchers and workshops from library experts covering a range of topics, including: metrics, academic integrity, open access, research data management, scholar profiles, knowledge mobilization, and a number of other topics.
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With profound apologies to those students looking forward to these sessions, we’ve had to cancel many of them either due to illness, complication, or last-minute changes. We know that there is a thirst for such sessions among our graduate students. As a result, we’ll be replanning many of these sessions as a web-series for late winter/early spring.
The session in Saint John on Thursday, February 27th, is still on.
Watch this space for updates and keep an eye on emails for announcements.
Apologies, once again, for the rough launch. We’ll make it up to you.
How does publishing work?
How are academic journals run?
What is open access?
What’s peer review all about?
Why should I care about research data management?
What counts as research data?
Which metrics are useful?
You can click on the events in the calendar to the left for summaries and more information.
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