ORCID Export to Mimic Google Scholar formatted BibTeX for publications ingest into CCV.

Come with me, Friends. Let's upset the apple cart.


Schools are paying a company called Proximify for a CRIS system (Uniweb) that specifically pushes publication records to the Canada Common CV. The Canada Common CV is a pretty annoying and ubiquitous problem for a lot of Canadian researchers. One of the formats supported in import by CCV is Google Scholar-based BibTeX. BibTeX also happens to be the go-to export format for ORCID. I assume you can see where I'm going with this.

Uniweb seems hesitant to develop an actual ORCID integration. My argument is that this isn't necessary (and neither is Uniweb :D)

Let's get to it.


CCV via Google Scholar

Exporting from Google Scholar


If you were advising a faculty member on exporting their work to CCV from Google Scholar, this is where they'd start. You can do this for citations whether or not they are linked to a profile. You can just save your citations to a library. When you hit "export" and select BibTeX, you're shown a basic text file containing that metadata.

Ingesting to CCV


Over in the CCV space, importing via Google Scholar export has been supported for the lifetime of CCV. It doesn't always work. But, CCV doesn't always work, so ¯\(°⊱,°)

You can see here that my publications (presentations) came in just fine. NBD. I'm not going to tell you the best thing to do is to get someone to go find all their publications from Google Scholar, though. I'm just going to help you break things.

Known Issues

I dunno yet. Some formatting hiccups here and there.


Exporting Bibtex from ORCID


So, the chief export format in ORCID is Bibtex. I'll pull a file called works.bib when you select what you want to export and then export it.

How ORCID Bibtex differs

Google Scholar Bibtex

  title={Metadata Matters},
  author={Nason, Michael and Collins, Susan},
  booktitle={PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2019},

  title={Where Things Stand: PKP/Crossref Collaboration and Improvements for Crossref Members},
  author={Nason, Michael and Collins, Susan},
  booktitle={PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2019},

  title={Markdown as a Simple Solution for HTML and PDF Galleys in OJS},
  author={Nason, Michael},
  booktitle={PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2015},

  title={The ties that bind},
  author={Nason, Michael},
  school={University of New Brunswick.}

ORCID Bibtex

@inproceedings{nason2020metadata, title= {Metadata Matters}, author= {Nason, Michael and Collins, Susan}, booktitle= {PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2019}, year= {2020}}

@inproceedings{nason2019things, title= {Where Things Stand: PKP/Crossref Collaboration and Improvements for Crossref Members}, author= {Nason, Michael and Collins, Susan}, booktitle= {PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2019}, year= {2019}}

@inproceedings{nason2015markdown, title= {Markdown as a Simple Solution for HTML and PDF Galleys in OJS}, author= {Nason, Michael}, booktitle= {PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference 2015}, year= {2015}}

@phdthesis{nason2012ties, title= {The ties that bind}, author= {Nason, Michael}, year= {2012}, school= {University of New Brunswick.}}

So, you're probably looking at this like, "oh they are different" but they are not very different at all. If I try to upload the ORCID Bibtex file to CCV it will not work. It's expecting Google Scholar formatting.

So uhh... watch this.

Modifying GS bibtex to work with CCV


The only difference in the formatting here is related to hard returns and white space. ORCID records have no hard returns, each record is just one line of code. Google Scholar references are line-per-line.

This is one record getting modified.

You basically want each metadata element on it's own line, and you can scrap each comma between those lines. Here's an example:

	doi = {10.1039/d0sm02188a}
	url = {<https://doi.org/10.1039%2Fd0sm02188a>}
	year = 2021,
	publisher = {Royal Society of Chemistry ({RSC})}
	author = {Christopher S. Jennings and Jeremy S. Rossman and Braeden A. Hourihan and Ross J. Marshall and Ross S. Forgan and Barry A. Blight}
	title = {Immobilising giant unilamellar vesicles with zirconium metal{\\textendash}organic framework anchors}
	journal = {Soft Matter}

Draft swing at an application

Big ups to Nate Wright of PKP for helping out with this.


Very much not guaranteed to work, but may save you some initial formatting time.

Uploading our modified ORCID-based Bibtex to CCV